Contact Us
Lafayette Office:
557 Jefferson St
Lafayette, LA 70501
Map and Driving Directions
Toll Free: 888-337-2323
Phone: 337-233-2323
Text: 884-302-2102
Fax: 337-233-2353
P.O. Box 3524
Lafayette, LA 70502
North Shore Office:
324 Courthouse Alley
Covington, LA 70433
New Orleans Office:
1100 Poydras St #3250 (Energy Centre)
New Orleans, LA 70130
The Broussard, David & Moroux offices are located in the heart of downtown Lafayette on the corner of Jefferson Street and Vermilion Street in the historic Moss Building.

*Free covered client parking
(validated by Broussard, David & Moroux)
To schedule your free case evaluation, please fill out the form below.